
27. May 2018

Exhibition / Sci Arc, Los Angeles / 15 June, 2018


Vogt Landscape Architects has been invited by Sci Arc in Los Angeles to participate in the exhibition Environment curated by Marcelyn Gow and Herwig Baumgartner.


The exhibition examines contemporary attitudes toward environment in a post-digital context. The capacity of constructed natures to produce admixtures of the natural and the synthetic is a focus. The changing character of environment in the context of technological innovation is considered through the projects in the exhibition. Taking into account recent approaches to our understanding of environment and contemporary modes of ecological awareness, the exhibition considers the possibility of environments where qualities are fused with objects not normally associated with them. Sites, objects, and spaces become estranged to engender multiple authenticities and produce a fusion between architectural form and forms germane to constructed natures. A multivalent implementation of environment, one that involves an agile negotiation with the changing character of the ecological in the context of technological change begins  to surface, these environments produce invigorated forms of tangible architectural presence and performance.