Theatre, Bregenz
Platz der Wiener Symphoniker
The square in front of the Bregenz Theatre is part of a conglomerate of spaces between the town of Bregenz and Lake Constance, differing in form, typology and use. Public life on the square itself varies. Thats why the concept of the square creates a space appropriate to its different capacities of high urbanity during the festival and use as a park providing a fluent atmospheric exterior space in everyday life. The design reacts to the extreme variety in use, creating multylayer place that recreates and strengthens the typologies of park, square and promenade.
The light concept causes an interesting inversion of spatial perception in the night: The square, a wide and clear common space in daylight, is darker than the space under the trees at night. This way the focus of a nightly visitor changes to the spaces under the trees, lying in the shadows at daytime. The spatial concept with an open centre and the tree volume surrounding it, does not only provide a high-quality public space, but also creates a high degree of transparency with regards to orientation and accessibility.