Innovation Park Dübendorf
A further step in the implementation of the synthesis report
Media conference of the Volkswirtschaftsdirektion Kanton Zürich, 11 November 2022
With the development of the Zurich Innovation Park and the conversion of the current military airfield into a research, test and factory airfield, the airfield area in Dübendorf will gradually be made accessible to the public, ecologically upgraded and networked with the surrounding area. The concept "Open Space, Nature & Environment, Landscape" shows how the site will be developed step by step as a coherent landscape and how it can meet the diverse demands of people and nature.
With the involvement of Skyguide, Armasuisse Immobilien, the Zurich Farmers' Association, Birdlife Zurich, Pro Natura Zurich and WWF Zurich, a broad-based working group has drawn up the overall concept "Open Space, Nature & Environment, Landscape" on behalf of the taskforce "Area Development Dübendorf Airfield". The focus is on the public open space, the nature and environmental aspects and the landscape. The idea is a substrate of in-depth work and shows how the airfield area can be gradually opened up, activated and networked by 2050.
The extensive meadow landscape will be ecologically upgraded
The area is of great importance for biodiversity due to its potential for enhancement. Habitats that are already valuable today will be preserved as far as possible. Existing habitats that are currently poor in species will be ecologically enhanced with suitable measures. Newly created habitats will complement the current spectrum. The current plan is expected to have an excellent biodiversity effect.
Making room for nature
In future, the airfield area can be divided into four sub-areas: Innovation Park, Innovation Park with Research, Test and Factory Airfield, Air Force and Air Traffic Control, and the Airfield. With the construction of the Innovation Park, the landscape is to be further developed in a targeted manner. Before it was drained in 1910, the airfield was a large marsh with reed-covered pools and overgrown groups of bushes and oaks. With the area's development, the tradition of use of the airport will be united with the former landscape character of the fen and made tangible for the population. This also includes the revitalisation of streams. The Chrebschüsselibach in Dübendorf, the Pohlgraben - as the former border ditch between Dübendorf and Wangen is called - and the Dürrbach will be opened up and revitalised over a total length of 4 km. These measures also make an essential contribution to flood protection.
Open space for everybody
The innovation park will open large parts of the airfield area to the public. Areas necessary for flight operations and air force areas will remain fenced. The Innovation Park campus offers large, attractive spaces with leisure and local recreation functions. The circular airfield route for cyclists and pedestrians connects the three site communities and the significant open space elements around the airfield site over a distance of 8.2 km following the regional "Fil Vert" concept. The extensive airfield park offers recreational areas and limited access to the natural environment on 11 ha. The historic hangar aprons and the Innovation Mall will become urban open spaces in the new campus area. The Säntispark and Fliegerpark parks integrated into the Innovation Park offer 4 ha of room for local recreation and open-air events.
The recording of the media conference is available at zh.ch/news.