New North Zealand Hospital, Hillerød

Forest Park and Meadow Grassland

Regional Council of the Capital Region of Denmark
Herzog & de Meuron with Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects Basel
2013 - 2024
298 000 m²

The new hospital will bring together all hospital functions in a single building shaped like a cloverleaf. The horizontal building organically spreads out into the landscape. The building is surrounded by densely planted trees and has a garden at its centre. Its horizontality reflects its pastoral location in the wide Danish landscape where the sky is the most important feature of the flat land.

The landscape design refers to the glaciers that formed the landscape around the hospital which can still be seen in the site’s topography, vegetation, and geology. The project does not stop at property boundaries, but incorporates the entire surrounding landscape. The building, streets, pathways and parking lots have all been integrated into the landscaping. Existing forests were also incorporated into the concept and referred to as a specific landscape feature. The landscape concept is divided into two distinct open space typologies created by the building footprint: A forest park surrounding the building, and heathland in the inner rings. Both are typical natural landscapes in Denmark. For the forest park pine, beech and birch trees will be planted. The mixture of open lawn and densely planted areas, along with an undulating topography, create areas with a high biodiversity. Maintenance and support demands are kept low by the precise, simple and robust design concept. The roof level has a heathland landscape. Subtle topography creates different areas with various atmospheres. Distinct small round gardens where people can rest and contemplate, can be discovered on walks through the heathland. These refined gardens, enclosed by hedges, have inside lawn surface with small acer maples, magnolias and honey locust trees. The heathland has dwarf bushes, small trees and heather.