Article on Moldauhafen Quarter in the latest HafenCity News
An update on Grasbrook has been published in the latest issue of the regularly released HafenCity News: Moldauhafen Quarter from the Air.
Seen from the air, the Moldauhafen quarter in the future Grasbrook district looks like an abstract work of art. But behind the geometric pattern, the future shape can be surmised. For example, the continuous elevation from the green tip to the Freihafenelb bridge on the left-hand side marks the Grasbrook Boulevard as the future central axis. Next to it are five rectangles framed by further sand embarkments are visible: the future construction sites for the "residential islands" and their access routes.
The Kleiner Grasbrook development plan procedure will be ready for preliminary approval for the entire Moldauhafen quarter at the beginning of 2025. To the right of the construction sites facing the Moldauhafen basin, you can see an area through which a construction road runs: space for the park. At the already green Veddelhöft in the foreground, the museum ship Peking will find its berth next to the planned new building for the German Harbour Museum.