Lecture by Günther Vogt on the NEXPO exhibition
6.7.2023, 6:30 pm, Winterthur
In 2032, a national exhibition is to be held in Switzerland again. "NEXPO - the new EXPO" is an initiative of the largest Swiss cities. An exhibition in the greenhouses of Stadtgrün will allow a look back at the long tradition of national exhibitions and present the concept of a decentralised NEXPO.
"Restful cities", Alice Hollenstein, Founder Urban Psychology GmbH
"Designing diverse urban nature - aesthetic urban greenery with added value", Dr. Jasmin Joshi, biologist, Professor of Landscape Ecology in the Landscape Architecture degree programme, University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland
"Nature of the City" Prof. em Günther Vogt, Vogt Landscape Architects
Followed by a panel discussion:
Moderation: Karin Landolt
Greenhouses Stadtgrün, Hochwachtstrasse 23, 8400 Winterthur
Picture: © Vermessungsbüro Stadt Winterthur, 1932, ed. Orell Füssli Kartographie