Homerton College - Design Competition
As part of a team led by Alison Brooks Architects, VOGT has won the two-stage design competition for the new Porter’s Lodge and a new entrance square to the college.
The design brief asked for a new entrance appropriate to the size and ambition of the College; including a new Porters' Lodge which both welcomes first-time visitors and meets the needs of resident students; and to expand the College Library, allowing it to host exhibitions as well as provide study space.
The scheme is inspired by the Homerton College campus, its architectural eclecticism and its Arts & Crafts legacy. The proposed building form is a three-storey wooden pavilion within a new college square – which will act as an entrance for both first-time visitors and resident students. The ground floor will house the porters lodge as well as a large foyer and exhibition area on its northern side.
Architects: Allison Brooks Architects
Structural Engineers: Price & Myers
Services & Environmental Design: Skelly & Couch
Visuals: Filippo Bolognese