Molkenmarktviertel Berlin
Competition 2021
1st Price
10179 Berlin - Mitte
Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen
Bern Albers Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH
Prof. Dr. Arch. Silvia Malcovati
The team Bern Albers Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH (lead), Prof. Dr. Arch. Silvia Malcovati and VOGT were awarded one of two first prizes in the competition to redesign the Molkenmarkt district in Berlin.
The competition aimed to obtain innovative and future-proof designs for a sustainable, attractive, small-scale inner-city neighbourhood on Molkenmarkt. In addition to the design and parcelling of the building blocks and the high-quality demands on the public open spaces, an appropriate utilisation concept for the buildings also played a special role. The integration of numerous monuments and archaeological finds also had to be taken into account.