Symposium - Die Alpen im Fluss

14. October 2021

Rethinking and redesigning landscapes in the context of change


Over the centuries, the image of the Alps as a mineral, static and fixed entity has become entrenched and increasingly solidified in our imagination. However, the Alpine region is not a stable structure but a dynamic and sensitive organism. Everything is in motion. Everything flows.


Against the background of climate change, the transformation of the Alps is now accelerating. This transformation also directly affects the water as a central element of the landscape. The process poses numerous challenges. However, with a view to the national and continental context, it also opens up a variety of potentials.


Let's read the Alps against this background as an "ecological island" and as a resource area in the middle of the Western European continent. The Alps will become much more critical in the future, especially from a water perspective. As a consequence, the conflicts of interest and use that already exist today are likely to intensify. Therefore, it is urgently necessary to rethink and redesign Alpine landscapes and find a balance between the interests of protection and use.


This is where the conference comes in, bringing together experts from the fields of design, natural sciences, engineering and tourism to debate the consequences and possibilities of the changing Alpine water regime.


With contributions by Rolf Weingartner, Jon Mathieu, Bernhard Tschofen, Günther Vogt, Francesca Pedrina, Felix Keller, Mélanie Eppenberger, and Daniel Fischlin. Moderation: Maarit Ströbele.



9 November 2021

13:30 - 18:00, followed by aperitif

Klostersaal, Culinarium Alpinum, Stans

(3-G event)






Hosted by

Professur Günther Vogt, ETH Zürich, D-ARCH, LUS
Forum Landschaft, Alpen, Pärke (FoLAP) der SCNAT


Unteraargletscher, Grimselsee (Walter Mittelholzer, 1930-1940) Quelle: ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv