The View of the City - Panel Discussion with Dorothea Becker, Christian Blum and Günther Vogt at the «Städtebauliches Quartett - Baustelle Dresden»

18. June 2019

The talk series organized by the Saxon Academy of Arts examines the development of concepts and realisations in Dresdens urban planning after the 1990s on the background of current tasks. The latest talk with Prof. Dorothea Becker (HTWK Leipzig), Christian Blum (Eckhaus AG, Zurich) and Günther Vogt focuses on the topic «Topography, Landscape and Silhouette as a complete Artwork». The talk will be hosted by Prof. Jörn Walter (Urban Planner, Hamburg).


20 June 2019, 6 PM

Kulturpalast – Zentrum für Baukultur Sachsen, Dresden